How to order from Edge Republic?

Ordering from Edge Republic is actually pretty easy. All you will need to do is to follow three simple steps:
1. Browse for the product you are looking for.
2. Place order through checkout.
3. Our representative will contact you for order confirmation
4. You will get the delivery of your desired product

Do you have any physical outlets where I can buy your products?

Outlet 1 : Edge Republic Lane 4 Zamzama Karachi
Outlet 2 : Edge Republic Kurta Gali Tariq Road KArachi
Do you allow exchanges in case the item I get is wrong or defective?
Edge Republic offers exchanges in cases if the product is defective.

How is the quality of the products at Edge Republic?

As seen from the photos, all of the products we're offering are of very good quality. We always quality check our products before placing them in our web portal. Do note, however, that there may be a slight difference between the color on-screen and the color of the actual product due to monitor quality and/or the environment lighting when the photo was taken. As such, we can only assure you that products will be at least 95% similar to the photos on screen.

Do you have a minimum order requirement?

We don't impose a minimum order requirement. You can order as many or as few as you want.

What do I do if my items have not arrived?

Items are sent to customers within 2 to 3 business days after they have placed their order. Please contact our customer service team if you have any concerns about product delivery.

Can I change my order?

At our customer service helpdesk you can change your order because we will be unable to change your order once the product has left our warehouse. If the product has yet to be shipped, you can make an alternate purchase and immediately inform to our call center at 0321-2338643

What is Cash on Delivery?

With Cash on Delivery option you can pay us in cash at the time of actual delivery of product at your doorstep, without requiring you to make any advance payment on Edge Republic.

How are items packaged?

All items are carefully packaged at our warehouses - as to avoid any form of damage.